Congratulations to Our 2023Real Wishes Foundation Santa Cruz County Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to Six High School Seniors!

WeSERV is honored to award scholarships to Nogales and Rio Rico High School Seniors, wishing them the best in their endeavors.

In May 2023, Kaitlyn De La Ossa, WeSERV Santa Cruz County Regional Vice President, was privileged to present Real Wishes Foundation, Santa Cruz County Scholarships to three Nogales High School Seniors.

Congratulations to the following recipients!

$1,000 - Yuliana Martinez
$1,000 - Fabiola Mendoza
$500 - Alejandra Maldonado

Congratulations to the following recipients!

WeSERV Santa Cruz County Regional Vice President-Elect Sabrina Cason was honored to present three Rio Rico High School Seniors with college scholarships.

$1,000 - Viridiana Terriquez
$1,000 - Tamera Pantoja
$500 - Ishaya Shukla

These amazing and intelligent individuals have dedicated their high school years to be the top students of their class. We have no doubt they will have many more successes as they enroll at the university level in the fall.